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Pivoting to Data Role: A 12-Year Career Odyssey

Three stories about the data career journey

“The number 12 is considered a cosmic number — marking the 12 months, the 12 signs of the zodiac, and the 12 stations of the Moon and the Sun” [Photo by Michael Skok on Unsplash]

In my previous position, I created end-of-year reports for my business colleagues and CEOs.

Nothing special, you would say. Standard reports with a bunch of numbers per different business areas—from general business controlling, marketing to supply chain management and finance.

True, and I was aware these reports were part of my tasks and would not draw much attention from every colleague in the company.

So, I gave it some thought on how to make the reports more “attention-getters”. The answer was simple—make them sound cool.

In other words, I decided to spice up the report names, as spicing up the numbers was not an option.

The difference between any other standard end-of-year report and “mine” was that I named mine after the trending buzzwords this year.

With this said, the 2020 report was named “The Notorious 2020”. The 2021 report was named “The Vax 2021”, and the 2022 report was “The ChatGPT 2022”.

You already have a clear idea of why I decided on these names.

From the world-turbulent year 2020, when the world was affected by the coronavirus, to the vaccination creation in 2021, and to one of the greatest developments in the data world in 2022—the generative AI chatbot launch.

To move on from the end-of-year business reports, I (finally) decided to create a personal end-of-year report on my career progress.

Why, you ask?

The first reason is that 2023 was the year that marked 12 years of my career, and it was—let’s put it like this—transformational. In the sense that I again changed the country, the job, and the living environment at once.

The second reason is that 2023 was one of the biggest years of new technological development since I started my career, and the knowledge barrier for entering the data area has increased.

With all the new developments and sudden demands on generative AI skills in the data field, I think it’s one of the most challenging times to start a…

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